I've reached a decision. I'll return it. I think when seeing it I caught some strange fever which made me porous to all that hype mixed with scarcity feeling. Because if I'm honest
a) I don't need itb) It's lovely but leaves me indifferent now that it's in my possession.
Pic from Net a porter.
Bonne décision... pour moi, un sac ne vaut plus vraiment la peine quand je le vois sur les mains de chaque blogger. Ça enlève complètement la touche d'individualité à n'importe quel outfit.
RépondreSupprimerindifference, wise choice to return it then.
RépondreSupprimerWell-reasoned. Sometimes taking it home with you is the best way to figure out how you honestly feel. That feeling of "indifference" is the best mental filter I can ask for the next time I contemplate a dubious purchase.
RépondreSupprimerIt felt good to bring it back and I haven't give it a thought since so it was the right decision without a doubt.