vendredi 21 février 2014

Hey! That's my bag!!

What's your reaction when spotting something you own on someone else? How does it makes you feel? 
Because seeing the picture below, the first thought running through my head was "Hey! that's my bag!!" and prompted me to pause and think through the unjustified (?) excitement I felt. 

Tommy Ton

In my case, it's first a disbelief moment - sudden recognition mixed with bewilderment then exhilaration.

Let me explain: Despite being perfectly aware of our era of mass (fashion) production and the obvious consequence being that most of what I own comes in several copies, there's still this pang of surprise when life's hazard put me in the same location and time of someone wearing or holding that identical something belonging to the both of us.

To me exclusivity is a mirage I'm not drawn to: I don't have the means nor the time for it. However, I carefully choose what to bring home and make mine. So the connection I feel with most of my belongings is both thoughtful and for some also a bit emotional.

Which may explain that when I spot something that's in my closet, especially an item I have a peculiar affection for, on another woman, I get that weird unjustified pride of the shared appreciation - I presume - we feel for this common item.

It actually delights me, and it may sound shallow but a couple of my best friendships started on that common ground of owning the same things. 
With strangers I only dare giving a smile when the random-people-wearing the-same-item situation happens, but judging from some haughty snubs I sometimes receive, my perception is not necessarily shared....

So what about you? Are you pleased, indifferent, annoyed in this kind of situation?

11 commentaires:

  1. When I see someone carrying "my" bag I always study what they are wearing. We like the same bag, do we also have similar taste in clothes? I do think certain kind of people are attracted to certain bags... I stopped wearing my Acne Canada scarf for related reasons. I fell in love with the scarf, but it has since become the "it" item certain cliques of high-school girls in my area. I am in University and I am not interested at all in being associated with their general style of dress, and I have retired the scarf after half a season of wear:( For the same reason, I groan on the inside when I see the Kardashians carrying "my" Balenciaga city bag. I'd rather not be associated with that either! I do feel a thrill when I see someone stylish carrying my item though:) It is like we are part of the same club. We both know how special our bag is <3

    1. I do the same! Checking the other person's style I mean, and attitude. It also tells a lot about a person.
      I used to censor my purchases because some items were too visible and popular in my opinion but not anymore. I think I got confident or vain enough to think that the way I wear something is my own interpretation... However seeing Balenciaga city and IM dickers boots all over Paris certainly dulled my interest for a moment.

  2. what a fun and thoughtful post - i personally love it when i see someone else wearing the same item as me, especially an accessory like a handbag. the best purchases that i write about on LAM are ones i want to share with friends and readers, so naturally it's a bright spot to see someone else enjoy the same piece that you do :)

    i also think the 'one of a kind for myself only' mentality is a bit unnecessary...if i really love something, i'll buy it regardless if it's been in 1000 tabloid celeb style photos or not.

    1. Thanks dear! What a positive and fresh attitude. It's so nice to see someone who appreciated the same thing you did.

  3. Nice story! So proves that fashion can bring people together! :))
    My last encounter with "my" bag was when a girl shoved me with it in the street of Paris! Haha! I was stunned first by the behaviour and then I saw her holding it! A case of universe's twisted joke!
    But yeah, most of my items are rather nondescript so it limits chances of running into my twin and yet I don't come often across people wearing even the very popular accessories I own like the Trio ...

  4. Semi-related question :) I am really tempted to buy a celine asymmetric duffle. Has the leather gotten softer? Do you find it easy to wear in informal situations? I'm hoping it will be my 'regular' day bag.

    I was instantly attracted to the asymmetric duffle and was happy it was only issued once, and didn't become super popular. I think that added to the allure for me (good or bad).

    1. So far I've not noticed any softening of the leather, it remains quite sturdy. I actually almost only wear it on casual situations, sometimes at work but when I don't have a busy day i.e. when I don't need my "full house" with me! IMO it looks better when not overly stuffed not to mention lighter for the shoulders and/or hand at work. I really love the bag's streamlined design and sophistication and it dethroned the City Bal as my everyday off bag.

  5. I like seeing other people who have the same things as me because it's fun to notice how despite the fact that we were both attracted to the same piece we've managed to wear/interpret it in different ways. I've honestly never understood the whole "this b**** stole my look!" mentality. The person wears the clothes and not the other way around so it shouldn't matter if your piece is one of a kind or the same J. Crew blazer everyone and their mother is wearing. I think originality shouldn't reside solely in what you wear. What an interesting topic!

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with your point of view! I used to be so sensitive about the whole "look stealing" concept when I was a teen and I think it was more about my own insecurity and proving at all costs my originality/personality. Thank god, I'm completely relaxed about this now.
      Wouldn't it be stressful to be always on the lookout of what's everyone else is wearing instead of focusing on what one loves to wear?
      Anyway, I recently saw heated debates on IG about who's copying who and of course there's a gap between the "Single White Female" copycat and the (more or less) innocent wannabe but the discussion left me a bit baffled...

  6. I think I'd be really excited to meet someone who was using the same thing as me - it has only happened to me once when I saw someone wearing the exact same pair of glasses as me...and it was a man. It was funny!

    I grew up with sisters and lots of female friends (being from a girls' school for most of my life) and bonding over fashion/style is second nature to me, haha. Unless the other person is some weird competitive type or thinks everyone is beneath her, I find that it really breaks down barriers to compliment someone on their dressing, and most people enjoy meeting someone who loves the same thing.

    1. Haha! Funny anecdote indeed! I'd love to have mind reading powers in these kind of circumstances!!
      I think you just broke down one the main reasons behind the success of personal fashion blogs: we, females "learn" to bond over what we wear and how. I don't hesitate to show my appreciation on someone's outfit, and it is true, that spontaneous gesture opens up most people.
