Printed shorts. It's everywhere: plaid, ikat, stripes, flowers, you name it, you have it.
It's just the kind of trend I'd like to follow but can't bring myself to it.
a) it's short-shorts (which you rarely find flatering)
b) it's (often a bit too) colored...
c) and printed
d) the sum of a), b) + c) = draws (too much) attention to the lower half of your body.
e) It's a trend. You will be over with it in a few weeks.
f) You're not going on vacations this Summer, so drop it.
g) Short-shorts in Paris? in the métro? Hmm, no.
h) Yeah, Summer only last a few weeks anyway... If we're lucky.
BUT aren't these just incredibly cute??

(all pics from J. Crew)
I would love to find a nice striped or ikat pair that fits well - I don't think it's too trendy, especially if the print is some classic (like ikat!). I agree short-shorts are not the way to go...buying shorts of any kind is always tricky I suppose. I think the busy print is actually quite flattering - distracts people from the width of my hips, I feel.
RépondreSupprimerThe J crew ones are great! I fell in love with a pair a couple years ago and still regret not buying them - but I'm not confident of buying shorts online, since the fit is so impt.
I really like the striped one! I have yet to break out my printed shorts this year.
Lin: I hadn't considered the distraction effect of the print. I like the way you're thinking! ;))
RépondreSupprimerIkat would also be my print of choice. With a white shirt and flats, it'd look pretty cool.
I have yet to find the adequate pair though as J.Crew doesn't have stores in France and I don't buy any cloth with a bottom part online.
t: I can already picture you in the striped short with your Miu Miu sandals and a City Bal! You'd look so cute!
oh i essentially have the same list (save the being in paris part!) you made running through my head everytime i think to put on a pair of colourful shorts. my solution? i wear the said shorts with a simple top and sandales or ballet flats.
RépondreSupprimerworks like a charm...;))
OMG! I love love the last ones!