mercredi 5 octobre 2011

Mon boyfriend

Nous sommes ensemble depuis 2 ans et il me rend très heureuse. 
Quelques fois, je le délaisse. Lui préférant un autre, plus jeune ou plus vieux mais je reviens régulièrement à lui.
Et pour cause, il est parfait pour ces jours où j'ai besoin d'une dose supplémentaire de douceur et de confort ce qui a été le cas récemment. Du coup, j'ai étrenné un maximum mon "doudou" ces dernières semaines. 

We've been together for 2 years and I'm very happy with it. Sometimes, I neglect it, prefering another one but we always get back to each other especially in those days when I need extra TLC which was the case recently. So, I've often worn my beloved boyfriend these past weeks.

knit: Camaieu/ jeans: Current Elliott/bag: Gap/sandals: André

5 commentaires:

  1. You look terrific in those jeans, the proportions of your outfit is just right. And I love the colour of that sweater!

  2. I love Current/Elliott jeans, I don't think I've bought any other brand in the past year. The waist stretches out so much though, I am considering taking in the waist of a few pairs because I prefer the slouchy look, without belts.

  3. Thanks Lin!I had an immediate crush on that knit.

    Me too koko! Most of my jeans are h&m's but this Current Elliott is one of my best find, the material is so so soft and the cut is amazing!!

  4. At first I thought you were talking about your bf! Haha!
    I love boyfriend jeans too!
